Maixduino开箱上手指南 & 教程合集
PlatformIO IDE 调试指南
Platform IO 的 PIO Unified Debugger 是一款强大,优秀的一键调试工具,以前一直是付费会员用户才能使用的功能,现在已经可以免费使用了。这篇文章就给大家介绍一下如何使用 Sipeed RV Debugger 调试器及 Jlink 调试我们的 K210 开发板。
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AI+WiFi+蓝牙 开发板 Maixduino
新的开发板: Maixduino
兼容 Arduino UNO R3 外形, k210
( AI
+蓝牙 ),软件支持 Micropython
Train, Convert, Run MobileNet on Sipeed MaixPy and MaixDuino !
Today we introduce how to Train, Convert, Run MobileNet model on Sipeed Maix board, with easy use MaixPy and MaixDuino~
继续阅读“Train, Convert, Run MobileNet on Sipeed MaixPy and MaixDuino !”
MaixPy Run 20-classes object detection based on tiny-yolov2 in 30 lines~
Here is the demo run tiny-yolo v2 to do 20-class classifier
Firmware and kmodel: (the model is half-cooked) (2.8 MB)
继续阅读“MaixPy Run 20-classes object detection based on tiny-yolov2 in 30 lines~”
MaixPy run face detection (tiny yolo v2)
MaixPy run face detect (tiny yolo v2)
Today we use MaixPy to run face detection, here is the frimware and model. (1015.3 KB)
MaixPy display MNIST feature map
MaixPy display MNIST feature map
Today we will get middle layer result, which usually called feature map, and display them on lcd.
firmware and model download from here: (875.0 KB)
Run MNIST on MaixPy in 30 lines code
Run MNIST on MaixPy in 30 lines code
here is the preview version of MaixPy run Kmodel V3 MNIST demo.
mnist (875.0 KB)
First Burn maixpy_kpu_preview.bin, then burn mnist.kfpkg (model)
Power on your Maix Board, and input following code, you will get MNIST run~